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At a time when the Central African region is facing a host of monumental social and environmental challenges, the motivation for establishing a dedicated centre for renewable energy and energy efficiency has never been stronger. However, challenges like climate change and developing industrial infrastructure are by no means unique to Central Africa; as such, a network that fosters south-south and triangular cooperation between neighbouring regions is invaluable in addressing these joint challenges. Through the establishment of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC), the region will be joining the Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC), a UNIDO coordinated initiative which now spans the entirety of the African continent. 

In a high-level ceremony with representatives from ECCAS, the Angolan Government, the Austrian Government and UNIDO, the centre was formally opened at its new headquarters in Luanda, Angola, on the 23rd of May 2023. In this inception period, the small start-up team will be led by Mr. Jean-Pierre Ndoutoum, who has extensive experience in the Central Africa region and the renewable energy field. However, the centre is expected to grow considerably in the coming months, and as a result, so will the number of administrative and technical staff members. As the centre passes this historic milestone and begins its journey to full operationalisation, it is poised to make significant contributions to sustainable development and the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency sectors in the region.