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Over a four-day period, from the 19th to the 22nd of March 2024, technical experts from CEREEAC had the unique opportunity to attend a workshop on the emerging field of small hydro power (SHP) on the African continent. The triumphant event, hosted in the capital city of Abuja, was the outcome of the close collaboration between several different organisations including the Government of Nigeria, the International Centre on Small Hydropower and the GN-SEC affiliated centres: ECREEE (West Africa) and EACREEE (East Africa).  

With over sixty participants in attendance and numerous capacity building events, the two CEREEAC delegates were inundated with opportunities to network and discuss ideas with representatives from a range of different backgrounds. Beyond meeting experts from other renewable energy centres, the event also saw attendees from private energy companies and educational institutions.  

An attendance list that encompasses all facets of the energy industry is, of course, vital in providing a platform for knowledge transfer and consequently the commercial realisation of small hydro power. It is hoped that the lessons learnt at the summit will provide the foundations from which a thriving new industry can emerge.  

Needless to say, hydro power is a well-established technology in the Central Africa region, where it makes up a significant component of the installed capacity of a majority of the ECCAS member states. However, unlike regular hydro power, SHP is uniquely positioned to provide clean and affordable power to otherwise hard to electrify rural communities. With these immense benefits in mind, the CEREEAC is enthusiastically working towards the development of SHP projects that will transform the lives of countless people in Central Africa.